Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about interventional cardiology, you’re not alone. Here are some FAQs that can help you understand this important specialty.
Who Is An Interventional Cardiologist And What He Does?

An interventional cardiologist is a heart specialist who uses catheters and other devices and also utilizes minimally-invasive techniques to treat various heart conditions. These procedures are usually performed in a hospital or special outpatient center. These doctors are specially trained to treat heart conditions and can provide you with the care you need. Some common treatments that an interventional cardiologist may provide include angioplasty, stenting, and cardiac catheterization.

Are Interventional Cardiologists And Heart Surgeons The Same?

An interventional cardiologist is not a heart surgeon who can do open-heart surgery, heart transplant surgery, or bypass surgery.

What To Expect During An Appointment With An Interventional Cardiologist?

During your appointment, the cardiologist will review your entire medical history and perform a thorough physical examination. They may also order tests, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG) or a coronary angiogram to better diagnose your condition.

What Are The Benefits Of Interventional Cardiology Procedures?

Interventional cardiology procedures are often less invasive than traditional open heart surgery. This means that they carry a lower risk of complications and a shorter recovery time.

How Do I Know If I Need To See An Interventional Cardiologist?

If you have been diagnosed with a serious heart condition, your doctor or GP or General Practitioner will likely refer you to an interventional cardiologist for a more specific and comprehensive evaluation focusing on your heart health.

How Do I Know If I Need To See An Interventional Cardiologist?

If you have been diagnosed with a serious heart condition, your doctor or GP or General Practitioner will likely refer you to an interventional cardiologist for a more specific and comprehensive evaluation focusing on your heart health.

For Which Conditions, One Should See An Interventional Cardiologist?

Interventional cardiologists can treat a wide variety of heart conditions, including blocked arteries, heart valve problems, and congenital heart defects. Other conditions and diseases that an interventional cardiologist may treat include:
◦ Coronary artery disease
◦ Heart Valve defects
◦ Aortic stenosis
◦ Atrial fibrillation
◦ Cardiomyopathy
◦ Pulmonary embolism
◦ Aneurysm

Which Procedures Can An Interventional Cardiologist Choose To Do?

There are a number of procedures that interventional cardiologists can use to treat your heart conditions which are as follows:
• Alcohol septal ablation procedure for the treatment of obstructive cardiomyopathy.
• Atherectomy, angioplasty, and placement of a stent to treat blockage in the arteries.
• Coronary angiography with catheterization to diagnose and treat arterial blockages.
• Valvuloplasty surgery to repair or replace the abnormally functioning aortic and mitral valves.
• Procedure for implanting a pacemaker or a defibrillator to treat irregular heart rhythms.
• Repair of conditions present at birth such as patent foramen ovale and atrial septal birth defects.

What Can I Expect During An Interventional Cardiology Procedure?

During an interventional cardiology procedure, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area where the procedure will be performed. You will remain awake during the procedure. The interventional cardiologist will make a small incision in your skin and insert a thin tube called a catheter into your artery. The catheter is then passed through to your heart. Once the catheter is in place, the interventional cardiologist will use specialized tools to treat your heart condition.